Vision The new standard for drone news

Welcome to, your central hub for all drone news and drone-related information. Our vision is to set a new standard for news in the world of drones. We offer comprehensive reporting and analysis on all aspects of the drone world – from the latest technological innovations and political developments to effective methods of drone defense.

International drone news

We are proud to provide you with a global perspective on developments in the drone industry. Our international correspondents report from all over the world, delivering current and relevant drone news to keep you up to date.

Transparency and neutrality

At, we place great value on transparency and neutrality. Our goal is to provide you with objective and well-researched drone news. We believe that trustworthy news is essential for making informed decisions, and we are committed to the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

Your voice matters

We offer you the opportunity to become an author and publish your contributions on our platform. Your perspectives and experiences are important to us, and we look forward to building a diverse and dynamic community of drone enthusiasts and experts with you.

Together into the future

Our vision is to create a trustworthy and innovative news source that illuminates developments in the drone world transparently and neutrally. Join us on this exciting journey and become part of the community.

Thank you for being part of our vision. Together, we will set new standards for drone news.